Effacer tous les snapshots d'une VM

Supprimer tous les snapshots d'une VM VMWare

Le VbScript qui permet d'appeler le Powershell

Option Explicit

Dim CheminScriptActuel, ScriptFileName, Position
Dim WSHShell, Commande
Dim NomVM, varLoginAuthentVM, varMotDePasseAuthentVM, varNomSnapShot
Dim objFSO, objTextFile, CheminFichierLog

'Déclaration des constantes
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWritting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

CheminScriptActuel = Left(wscript.scriptfullname,Len(wscript.scriptfullname)-Len(wscript.scriptname)-1)
'Wscript.Echo "Votre script '" & wscript.scriptname & "' est dans le répertoire '" & CheminScriptActuel & "'."

ScriptFileName = wscript.scriptname
Position = InstrRev(ScriptFileName,".")
if (Position > 0) Then ScriptFileName = Left(ScriptFileName, Position - 1)

CheminFichierLog = CheminScriptActuel & "\" & ScriptFileName & "_log.txt"

NomVM = Trim(InputBox("Entrez le nom de la VM","Nom de la VM","Nom machine"))

If Len(NomVM) > 0 Then
	Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

	Commande = "cmd /k Powershell -file """ & CheminScriptActuel & "\" & ScriptFileName & ".ps1"" -v """ & NomVM & """"

	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(CheminFichierLog, ForWritting, True)
	objTextFile.WriteLine(Commande) 'On ecrit la date et l'heure dans le fichier
	objTextFile.Close 'Fermeture du fichier

	Set objTextFile = Nothing
	Set objFSO = Nothing
	WSHShell.Run Commande
	Set WSHShell = Nothing
End If
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Le script Powershell qui réaliser l'opération


$VIserver = "NomvCenter"
$VILogin = "domaine\loginvcenter"
$VIMotdepasse = "Motdepasse"

#Definition des variables globales
$global:varNomVM = ""

function main()  
	asnp vmware* #Import modules VMWares
	$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" 
	if ($verbose) {$VerbosePreference = "Continue"}  
	if ($debug) {$DebugPreference = "Continue"}
	$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

	Connect-VIServer -Server $VIserver -User $VILogin -Password $VIMotdepasse

	Write-Host "Traitement de $varNomVM"
	$UneVM = Get-VM -Name $varNomVM

	Write-Host $UneVM.PowerState #Juste pour afficher si la VM est allumée ou non

	Write-Host "$varNomVM : Effacement des Snapshots"
	Get-Snapshot $varNomVM | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false

function CheckVIToolKit()  
    ## Before we do anything we must check to see if the user has the VI toolkit installed.  
    ## If user does not then we prompt the user and exit.  
    Get-PSSnapin vmware*  
    if($Error.Count -ne 0)  
        Write-Host "`n`n`t`t ERROR - To run this script, the VI Toolkit must be installed and registered with Powershell. If the VI Tollkit is installed," -foregroundcolor red -backgroundColor yellow  
        Write-Host "`t`t go to the Settings menu in Powershell Plus and click on Manage Snapins." -foregroundcolor red -backgroundColor yellow  
#        Read-Host  "`n`n`t Press <Enter> to continue."  

}## EOF: CheckVIToolKit()

Function ParseCommand($oArgs){

	#Parses the command line and fills the script variables 
	#with the appropriate values.

#	$test = "-n,test"
#	$oArgs = $test.split(",")
	$ArgCount = 0
	if (!$oArgs.length -gt 0){
		write-host "No arguments specified."

	While ($ArgCount -lt $oArgs.length){
		switch ($oArgs[$ArgCount].ToLower()){
				$global:varNomVM = $oArgs[($ArgCount+1)]
				$ArgCount = ($ArgCount + 2)
				write-host "-v : $varNomVM"

				write-host "Invalid command."
#				Help

#Parse commands

## Run Main
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NomSite Web d origineDescription
VMware-PowerCLI-5.1.0-793... https://my.vmware.com/fr/web/v... vSphere PowerCli