Fusionner 2 Gpo avec PowerShell

Fusionner deux stratégies de groupe avec l'aide d'un script powershell

Ce script permet de copier les paramètres d'une GPO dans une seconde.

L'utilisation est simple. Il y a le nom du script, le paramètre -src pour indiquer le nom de la GPO à copier, et le paramètre -dest pour indiquer la Gpo qui va recevoir les paramètres cible.

Exemple :

.\Merge_GPO.ps1 -src "NomGpoSource" -dest "NomGpoCible"

Le script Powershell

# Copy GPO Registry Settings            
# Ashley McGlone, Microsoft PFE            
# http://blogs.technet.com/b/ashleymcglone            
# January 2011            
# Parameters:            
#   dom       FQDN of the domain where the GPOs reside            
#   src       string name of the GPO to copy settings from            
#   dest      string name of the GPO to copy settings to            
#   newDest   switch to create dest GPO if it does not exist            
#   copymode  part of GPO to copy: all, user, computer            
Param (            
# We must continue on errors due to the way we enumerate GPO registry            
# paths and values in the function CopyValues.            
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"            
Import-Module ActiveDirectory            
Import-Module GroupPolicy            
# Help            
if ($dom -eq $null -and `
	$src -eq $null -and `
	$dest -eq $null -and `
	$copymode -eq $null) {            
	"Copy-GPORegistryValue by Ashley McGlone, Microsoft PFE"            
	"For more info: http://blogs.technet.com/b/ashleymcglone"            
	"This script copies registry-based GPO settings from one GPO into another."            
	"Use this script to copy and/or merge policy settings."            
	"NOTE: This version does not copy GPO preferences."            
	".\Copy-GPRegistryValue.ps1 [-dom DomainFQDN] -src `"Source GPO`""            
	"   -dest `"Destination GPO`" [-newDest]"            
	"   [-copymode all/user/computer]"            
	"The -dom switch will default to the current domain if blank."            
	"The -copymode will default to all if blank."            
	"The -newDest switch will create a new destination GPO of the specified"            
	"name. If the GPO already exists, then the copy will proceed."            
# Validate parameters            
if ($dom -eq $null) {            
	$dom = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot            
} else {            
	$dom = (Get-ADDomain -Identity $dom).DNSRoot            
	If ($error.Count -ne 0) {            
		"Domain name does not exist.  Please specify a valid domain FQDN."            
if ($src -eq $null) {            
	"Source GPO name cannot be blank."            
} else {            
	$src = Get-GPO -Name $src            
	If ($error.Count -ne 0) {            
		"Source GPO does not exist.  Be sure to use quotes around the name."            

if ($dest -eq $null) {            
	"Destination GPO name cannot be blank."            
} else {            
	if ($newDest -eq $true) {            
		$desttemp = $dest            
		$dest = New-GPO -Name $desttemp            
		If ($error.Count -ne 0) {            
			"The new destination GPO already exists."            
			"Do you want to merge into this GPO (y/n)?"            
			$choice = Read-Host            
			if ($choice -eq "y") {            
				$dest = Get-GPO -Name $desttemp            
			} else {            
	} else {            
		$dest = Get-GPO -Name $dest            
		If ($error.Count -ne 0) {            
			"Destination GPO does not exist.  Be sure to use quotes around the name."            
if ($copymode -eq $null) {            
	$copymode = "all"            
} else {            
	if ($copymode -ne "all" -and `
		$copymode -ne "user" -and `
		$copymode -ne "computer") {            
		"copymode must be one of the following values:"            
		"all, user, computer"            
# Echo parameters for this run            
"Domain: $dom"            
"Source GPO: $($src.DisplayName)"            
"Destination GPO: $($dest.DisplayName)"            
"New Destination: $newDest"            
"CopyMode: $copymode"            
# Copy GPO registry values recursively beginning at a specified root.            
# Essentially this routine does a get from the source and a set on            
# the destination.  Of course nothing is ever that simple, so we have            
# to account for the policystate "delete" which disables a setting;            
# this is like a "negative set".            
# We recurse down each registry path until we find a value to            
# get/set.            
# If we try to get a value from a path (non-leaf level), then we get            
# an error and continue to dig down the path.  If we get a value and            
# no error, then we do the set.            
# User values have a single root: HKCU\Software.            
# Computer values have two roots: HKLM\System & HKLM\Software.            
# You can find these roots yourself by analyzing ADM and ADMX files.            
# It is normal to see an error in the output, because all of these            
# roots are not used in all policies.            
Function CopyValues ($Key) {            
	$path = Get-GPRegistryValue -GUID $src.ID -Key $Key            
	If ($error.Count -eq 0) {            
		ForEach ($keypath in $path) {            
			$keypath | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}            
			If ($keypath.HasValue) {            
				If ($keypath.PolicyState -eq "Delete") {   # PolicyState = "Delete"            
					Set-GPRegistryValue -Disable -Domain $dom -GUID $dest.ID `
					-Key $keypath.FullKeyPath -ValueName $keypath.Valuename            
				} Else {   # PolicyState = "Set"            
					$keypath | Set-GPRegistryValue -Domain $dom -GUID $dest.ID            
			} Else {            
				CopyValues $keypath.FullKeyPath            
	} Else {            
# Call the main copy routine for the specified scope of $copymode            
Function Copy-GPRegistryValue {            

	# Copy user settings            
	If (($copymode -eq "user") -or ($copymode -eq "all")) {            
		CopyValues "HKCU\Software"            

	# Copy computer settings            
	If (($copymode -eq "computer") -or ($copymode -eq "all")) {            
		CopyValues "HKLM\System"            
		CopyValues "HKLM\Software"            

# Start the copy            

#   ><>
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Comme expliqué sur le site de l'auteur, le script a ses limites et ne copie pas tout.

Seul les stratégies basées sur les clés de registre sont supportées.

Ne sont par exemple pas copiés :

Les commentaires (ce qui n'est pas important).

Les clés de registres posées par GPO (ca c'est dommage)

Les paramètres de sécurité

Les paramètres d'internet Explorer situés dans Préférences>Paramètres du Panneau de configuration>Paramètres Internet

Les audit policies

etc ...

Mais c'est un début !

Pages Web

Site WebDescription
Ashley McGlone blogCode de Ashley McGlone où l'on trouve ce code